Request Info

Students in ATM take a selection of the courses listed below, together with students in the Ocean Sciences (OCE) and Meteorology and Physical Oceanography (MPO) programs. Students are also able to take courses offered by other programs. Further details of course and credit requirements are provided in the ATM Student Handbook.

Introductory Graduate Courses (3 credits)

ATM 611  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I (required for all ATM non-Chem students)
ATM 614  Introduction to Weather and Climate
ATM 615  Numerical Weather Prediction
ATM 624  Applied Data Analysis
ATM 632  Broadcast Meteorology
ATM 633  Atmospheric Boundary Layer
ATM 634  Atmospheric Chemistry (required for all ATM-Chemistry students)
ATM 636  Hurricanes
ATM 637  Natural Hazards: Atmosphere and Ocean
ATM 651  Introduction to Atmospheric Science (required for all ATM students)
ATM 653  Climate Change
ATM 654  Climate Variability
ATM 661  Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean
ATM 662  Advanced Weather Forecasting
ATM 663  Mesoscale Meteorology
ATM/RSM 672 Introduction to Science Policy

Advanced Graduate Courses (3 credits)

ATM 711  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics II
ATM 713  Predictability
ATM 731  Air-Sea Interaction
ATM 732  Climate Dynamics
ATM 734  Cloud Physics and Radiative Transfer
ATM 750  Reaction Kinetics and Molecular Dynamics
ATM 752  Vortex Dynamics
ATM 761  Atmospheric Chemistry II
ATM 762  Computer Models of Fluid Dynamics
ATM 764  Atmospheric and Oceanic Turbulence
ATM 765  General Circulation of the Atmosphere (required for ATM non-Chem students)
ATM 767  Spectral and Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics
ATM 768  ENSO Dynamics, Prediction and Predictability

Directed Readings Courses (1 credit)

RSM 781  Directed Readings in topics including Cloud Physics, Climate Dynamics, Our Moist Convecting Atmosphere (all 1 credit)
